Thanks for downloading the SETA app! Before you continue it is important for you to understand why the activity is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully. We will now ask you to switch a few things on so you can get the most out of the app. Depending on your device you may be asked to switch on the phone's motion and fitness sensors, location and notifications. This will make sure the app provides you with the best possible experience. To continue make sure you agree to the Terms and Conditions of using the app.
What is the project’s purpose? SETA is a European Union funded project (EU Horizon 2020) that aims to create a replicable methodology and commercial ecosystem for safe, sustainable, effective, efficient and resilient mobility based on large-scale management of ubiquitous cross-sectorial data and information which is sensed, crowdsourced, acquired, linked and used to provide services to citizens and business, as well as decision makers. For this project we have developed this smartphone app able to collect activity and movement traces from individuals to generate an objective measurement of activity and mobility across a large metropolitan area. The app is composed of a mobile app tracking individual mobility and a server side program performing data cleaning and visualization. The app is designed to support individuals in becoming aware of their mobility and activity patterns and encouraging a modal change towards more sustainable and optimised mobility modes. It is distributed for free and tracks the mobility of a person (still, walking, running, cycling, public transport etc.), the associated timing (e.g. you walked for 20 minutes starting from 12:23 on 20.12.2015) and location. The app enables users to monitor their personal mobility choices, including through the provision of directed and customised messages. The app also enables user to contribute content related to mobility (e.g. traffic delays, holes in the roads) to the community that uses the app. Aggregated and anonymised data will be used for studies both in terms of social health and mobility as well as in terms of advancing the field of computer science/wellbeing. The location associated to the activity will also enable to understand how different parts of the city move over time and hence to evaluate the impact of mobility measures (e.g. a change in parking regulations) in terms of impact on the population.
Do I have to take part? It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to keep the app running. If you want to withdraw, just delete the app from your phone. If in addition you would like your data to be removed, please use the feedback menu item on the app. Please note that this must be done before the app is uninstalled. If you uninstall the app or communicate with us in any way other than the app, we will be unable to delete your data. You do not have to give a reason for deleting the data.
What will happen to me if I take part? Your phone will collect data about your mobility and will store and transmit the collected data both on your phone and our servers. Your phone will also collect and send to the server mobility-related content you actively contribute to the community.
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part? The project considers no possible disadvantages or risks are envisaged to individuals involved.
What are the possible benefits of taking part? Your involvement helps European Research helping to advance scientific understanding of urban mobility. The tracking of your mobility will also allow you to monitor how you move and be aware of the costs and the benefits associated to journeys you take. The app will also enable to participate in the SETA community by reporting and reading information about mobility in your city.
What if something goes wrong? If the app does not work or you experience any issues or concerns in using it we are keen to hear about these. Firstly read the FAQs on the APP or on our website ( but if you have outstanding concerns or questions please contact us via the app’s feedback tool.
Will my taking part be kept confidential?
All the information that we collect about your mobility during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential. You will not be identifiable in any report or publication and no personal data (where provided) will be released beyond the research consortium in any way.
What will happen to the data? Apart from the services offered to inform on your personal mobility, the outcome of any study done on the collated data will form part of one or more scientific publications and studies which will inform research and policies related to health and wellbeing, computer science, city management, traffic management and other related fields. Individuals personal data will not be identified or released in any report, publication or project output of any kind. The data collected will be retained for the project purposes of scientific analysis amongst the consortium. This data may be used in part to undertake scientific analysis which can result in informing public policy, practices, new technology and methodologies as well as supporting the development of new products and services. No personal data will be released in any form beyond the consortium partners in all work undertaken.
Who is organising and funding the research? This research is coordinated by The University of Sheffield and undertaken by a range of leading Research Organisations, city authorities and companies based within the EU undertaking research on behalf of the European Commission project funders. The organisations involved and party to this consortium are: 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD of Firth Court, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, United Kingdom, the Coordinator 2 KNOWLEDGE NOW LIMITED of Lydgate House, Lydgate Lane, Sheffield, S10 5FH, UK, United Kingdom 3 THE FLOOW LIMITED of The Floow Limited, OXO House, 4 Joiner Street, Sheffield, S3 8GW, United Kingdom. 4 TSS-TRANSPORT SIMULATION SYSTEMS SL of Ronda de la Universitat 22 B, àtic 08007 Barcelona, Spain 5 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA of Pabellon de Gobierno, Av. de los Castros s/n - 39005 Santander, SPAIN 6 SOFTWARE MIND SA Poland of Prof. M Zyczkowskiego 20, 31-864 Krakow, Poland 7 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT of Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft Netherlands 8 AIZOON CONSULTING SRL of Strada del Lionetto 6, 10146 TorinoItaly 9 AYUNTAMIENTO DE SANTANDER of established In Plaza Del Ayuntamiento s/n, Santander, 39001, Spain 10 CITTA DI TORINO of Piazza Palazzo di Città , 1 – 10122 - Torino Italy 11 SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY of Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WBUnited Kingdom 12 BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL of Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BB United Kingdom 13 Scyfer B.V. of Science Park 402, 1098 XH Amsterdam Netherlands
Who has ethically reviewed the project? This project has been ethically approved via the project coordinators, The University of Sheffield’s Computer Science department’s ethics review procedure. The University’s Research Ethics Committee monitors the application and delivery of the University’s Ethics Review Procedure across the University meeting ethical guidelines for EU research.
Contact for further information Please use the app feedback tool. Otherwise use the email address listed on the Google Play/Apple iTunes pages.